

Born: No­vem­ber 26, 1858, Lon­don, Eng­land.

Died: Oc­to­ber 6, 1925, Cam­bridge, Eng­land.



Israel was the son of Bar­nett Abra­hams.

He was one of the most dis­tin­guished Jew­ish scho­lars of his ge­ne­ra­tion, and wrote a num­ber of class­ics on Ju­da­ism. He was edu­cat­ed at Jews’ Col­lege, where his fa­ther was prin­ci­pal, and at Uni­ver­si­ty Col­lege, Lon­don (MA 1881).

Abrahams taught se­cu­lar sub­jects as well as ho­mi­let­ics at Jews’ Col­lege, and be­came sen­ior tu­tor there in 1900. He was al­so a lay preach­er, hon­or­ary sec­re­ta­ry of the Jew­ish His­tor­ic­al So­cie­ty of Eng­land, a mem­ber of the Com­mit­tee for Train­ing Jew­ish Teach­ers, and be­longed to the Com­mittee of the An­glo-Jew­ish As­so­cia­tion, and sev­er­al oth­er in­sti­tu­tions.

In 1889, Ab­ra­hams became joint ed­it­or of the Jew­ish Quar­ter­ly Re­view. He was al­so a pro­lif­ic con­trib­ut­or to pe­ri­od­ic­als, and was es­pe­cial­ly well known for his ar­ti­cles on li­ter­ary sub­jects, which ap­peared week­ly in the Jew­ish Chron­icle un­der the ti­tle of Books and Boo­kmen. He al­so con­trib­ut­ed to the 1903 En­cyc­lo­pæ­dia Bib­li­ca.

In 1902, after teach­ing for sev­er­al years at Jews’ Col­lege, Ab­ra­hams suc­ceed­ed So­lo­mon Schech­ter, who was mov­ing to New York to head the Jew­ish Theo­lo­gic­al Sem­in­ary of Am­er­ica, as read­er in Tal­mu­dics at Cam­bridge Uni­ver­si­ty.

In 1914, Ab­ra­hams pub­lished A Com­pan­ion to the Au­tho­rised Pray­er Book, a com­men­ta­ry on and sup­ple­ment to the pray­er book ed­it­ed by Si­me­on Sing­er. Sing­er had in­tend­ed to write such a work, but died before he had pro­gressed ve­ry far. Re­vised edi­tions ap­peared in 1922 and 1932.

In 1922, Ab­rah­ams was in­vit­ed to de­liv­er the Schweich Lec­ture of the Brit­ish Aca­de­my. The lec­tures were pub­lished un­der the ti­tle Cam­paigns in Pal­es­tine from Al­ex­an­der the Great.




Help Needed

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