

Born: Ja­nu­ary 4, 1864, Free­stone Coun­ty, Tex­as.

Died: Au­gust 1, 1937, George­town, Tex­as.

Buried: Odd Fel­lows Ce­me­te­ry, George­town, Tex­as.


James was the son of Bar­ton War­ren Acuff and Se­re­na J. Ran­dolph, and hus­band of Lei­la Bird Ed­ney.

He was a well known sing­er and song writ­er among the Church­es of Christ in Tex­as. He wrote sev­er­al po­pu­lar Gos­pel songs, of­ten led the sing­ing for pro­tract­ed meet­ings, and helped com­pile hym­nals for the Firm Foun­da­tion Com­pa­ny of Aus­tin, Tex­as.

Before mov­ing to George­town, he lived for sev­er­al years in Gran­ger, Tex­as.

His sing­ing and song writ­ing ca­reer spanned near­ly 50 years.



Help Needed

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Acuff (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),