

Born: March 6, 1624, Un­ter-Nes­sa (near Weiß­en­fels), Sax­ony.

Died: May 25, 1679, Naum­burg, Sax­ony. The La­tin in­scrip­tion placed on his tomb­stone by his son reads:

Cum vi­ver­et, mo­rie­ba­tur, et nunc cum mor­tu­us vi­vit, quia scie­bat, quod vi­ta via sit mor­tis et mors vi­tae in­troit­us.


Johann was the el­dest son of pas­tor Za­cha­ri­as Al­bi­nus. Af­ter his fa­ther’s death, he was adopt­ed by his cou­sin, Lu­cas Pol­lio, dia­co­nus at St. Ni­cho­las’ Church in Leip­zig.

After Pol­lio’s death in 1643, the court preach­er, Se­bas­ti­an Mit­ter­nach of Naum­burg, took an in­ter­est in Jo­hann, who re­mained at Naum­burg un­til en­ter­ing the Uni­ver­si­ty of Leip­zig in 1645. He stu­died eight years there, dur­ing which he act­ed as house tu­tor to the Bur­ger­meis­ter, Dr. Fried­rich Kühl­wein.

In 1653, he was ap­point­ed rec­tor of the Ca­thed­ral School in Naum­burg. He re­signed the post in 1657 to be­come pas­tor of St. Oth­mar’s Church in Naum­burg.



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