

Born: Ju­ly 10, 1872, St. George’s Ha­no­ver Square, May­fair, Lon­don, Eng­land.

Died: Sep­tem­ber 19, 1954, Pres­teigne, Rad­no­rshire, Wales.

Buried: St. Ma­ry’s Church, By­ton, Here­ford­shire, Eng­land.



John was son of J. Hun­ger­ford Ark­wright, hus­band of Char­lotte Lu­cy Da­ven­port, and great-great grand­son of cot­ton-spin­ning in­dus­tri­al­ist Ri­chard Ark­wright.

He at­tend­ed Eton Col­lege, Wind­sor, and Christ Church Col­lege, Ox­ford, and was New­di­gate Prize­man in 1895.

He was Mem­ber of Par­lia­ment for Here­ford (1900–12), Chief Stew­ard of Here­ford, and was knight­ed in 1934.



O Thou Whose Hand

O Thou whose hand is over all creation,
Whose word hath sent the planets on their race,
Hath laid the mountains on their sure foundation,
And taught the tides their season and their place;
Thy voice is heard of all men in the thunders,
The fear of Thee is on the peoples’ lips,
And we have known Thy works and seen Thy wonders
Who put to sea in ships.

Thine eyes behold the earth’s remotest regions,
Her great ones tremble at Thy dread decree,
Their fleets are Thine, Thy hand is on their legions,
In all the world there is no God save Thee.
Except Thou guard the host when it is sleeping
The strength of kings shall turn to them again,
Except Thou take the city in Thy keeping
The watchman wakes in vain.

Thou only art of Victory the Giver;
Our ears have heard the tales our Fathers told—
How they did cry, and how Thou didst deliver,
And led’st their armies in the time of old;
Our eyes have seen Thy mercy still unbroken,
Thy strong right arm outstretched above our way,
Vouchsafe Thy children yet another token
And go with us today.

Go forth, O God, in majesty most glorious
Before our armies as in days of yore.
And, with Thine aid that we may be victorious,
Grant us Thy grace that we may praise Thee more;
What time soe’er the angry tempest gathers,
When through our land the noise of battle flies.
For Thy great Name, Jehovah of our Fathers,
O Lord our God, arise !

John Stanhope Arkwright
The Supreme Sacrifice, 1919

