

Born: Feb­ru­ary 28, 1844, Sa­lis­bu­ry, Eng­land.

Died: Feb­ru­ary 6, 1933, Car­diff, Wales.


Theodore was the son of Wil­liam Price Ayl­ward (or­gan­ist at St. Mar­tin, and lat­er, St. Ed­mund, Sal­is­bu­ry).

He stu­died at Sal­is­bury Ca­thed­ral un­der C. J. Read, with Sam­uel Wesley to whom he was ar­ti­cled, and George Mac­far­ren. Ayl­ward con­tin­ued to work his ar­ti­cles with Wes­ley after the lat­ter’s ap­point­ment to Glou­ce­ster Ca­thed­ral.

Aylward played the or­gan at the Church of St. Mat­thew, Chel­te­nham; St. Co­lum­ba’s Col­lege, Rath­farn­ham, Coun­ty Dub­lin (from 1866); St. Mar­tin’s, Sal­is­bu­ry and St. Ma­ry’s, Spring Grove, in the Dio­cese of Lon­don; Llan­daff Ca­thed­ral (1870–76); Chi­ches­ter Ca­thed­ral (1876–86); and St. An­drew’s Church, Car­diff (1886–1925).

He com­posed sets of pre­ces and re­spons­es, fes­tal and fe­ri­al, and a li­ta­ny, pub­lished as a col­lect­ion in 1877.



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