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Jesse Albert Barney



Born: Ap­ril 13, 1889, Graf­ton, New Hamp­shire.

Died: No­vem­ber 16, 1979, Cor­nish, Maine.

Buried: Im­ma­nu­el Me­mor­ial Ce­me­te­ry, Rum­ney Depot, New Hamp­shire.



Jesse was son of George Sel­wyn Bar­ney and Co­ra Belle Ma­rtin, and hus­band of Emi­lie B. Har­ris (mar­ried 1916, West Rum­ney, New Hamp­shire).

After at­tend­ing lo­cal schools and the New Hamp­ton, New Hamp­shire, Academy, he stu­died at the Ro­ches­ter Bi­ble Train­ing School, Ro­ches­ter, New York (1910–12).

He taught school in Or­ange, Graf­ton, West Rum­ney, and Went­worth, New Hamp­shire. He went on to be­came a min­is­ter, song writ­er, and mu­si­cian. He al­so served two terms as a mis­sion­ary in the Bel­gian Con­go (now the De­mo­cra­tic Re­pub­lic of the Con­go) (1921–32).

From 1933–38, Bar­ney toured with an ev­an­gel­is­tic sing­ing and mu­sic­al group.

On Ap­ril 23, 1938, he lost his right arm while mov­ing a pi­ano. He then be­came a poul­try farm­er at Rum­ney Depot, New Hamp­shire.

He served as a di­rect­or of the New En­gland Bi­ble Con­fer­ence, Rum­ney, New Hamp­shire, and Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts.

He was ac­tive in lo­cal gov­ern­ment af­fairs, and was a rep­re­sent­ative to the New Hamp­shire Ge­ne­ral Court, Con­cord, New Hamp­shire.

