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Olinthus Roberts Barnicott



Born: No­vem­ber 2, 1842, Taun­ton, So­mer­set, Eng­land.

Died: March 11, 1908, Strat­ton-on-the-Fosse rec­to­ry, So­mer­set, Eng­land.


Olinthus was the son of James Bar­ni­cott, a paint­er, and Heph­zi­bah War­ren, and hus­band of Mary Eli­za­beth Ann Slat­er.

He was edu­cat­ed at St. John’s Col­lege, Cam­bridge (BA & LLB 1882, LLM 1885, LLD 1897), or­dained an Ang­li­can dea­con in 1886, and priest at Win­ches­ter in 1887.

Barnicott served as clerk of St. Mark, Wools­ton, Hamp­shire (1886–89); clerk of Ho­ly Tri­ni­ty, Ryde, Isle of Wight (1890–91); clerk of El­ing (1892–95); priest in the diocese of Chi­ches­ter (1897–1902); chap­lain to the Cot­tis­more School in Bright­on (1898–1905); clerk of Pres­ton in Bright­on (1902–05); and rec­tor of Strat­ton-on-the-Fosse (1905–08).




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