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James Conner Bateman



Born: No­vem­ber 18, 1854, Hull, York­shire, Eng­land.

Died: June 5, 1888, Pentre, South Wales.


Son of a flax dress­er, Bate­man be­gan his mu­sic­al ca­reer sing­ing and play­ing the ban­jo in mu­sic halls, while al­so work­ing at an oil mill.

He was con­vert­ed af­ter at­tend­ing a Sal­va­tion Army (SA) hall in Sul­coates. He went on to join the SA, be­com­ing an of­fi­cer in 1882.

His post­ings in­clud­ed Crad­ley Heath, North­amp­ton, Man­ches­ter Op­en­shaw, Han­ley, and Mid­dles­bo­rough.

He con­trib­ut­ed a num­ber of songs to The Mu­sic­al Sal­va­tion­ist.



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