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Noble Theodocia Beall


Nobie Beall, Mrs. Nobie Ward Dykes


Born: Ju­ly 10, 1878, Car­roll­ton, Geor­gia.

Died: Jan­ua­ry 21, 1969, Bibb, Geor­gia.


Nobie was the daugh­ter of James Mor­ris Beall, niece of No­ble New­nan Beall, cou­sin to Ben­ja­min Beall, and grand­daugh­ter of Ge­ne­ral Will­iam Otho Beall.

In 1914, she mar­ried Rev­er­end Frank L. Ward (died 1916).

In 1927, she mar­ried Frank­lin Ma­ri­on Dykes (died 1970).


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