


Born: March 1, 1716, King­ston, Not­ting­ham­shire, Eng­land.

Died: Jan­ua­ry 22, 1793, Ev­er­ton, Bed­ford­shire, Eng­land.

Buried: St. Ma­ry church­yard, Ev­erton, Eng­land.

Pseudonym: Old Ev­er­ton.



Berridge was edu­cat­ed at Clare Hall, Cam­bridge. In 1749 he was or­dained as cur­ate of Sta­ple­ford, near Cam­bridge. In 1755 he was trans­ferred to the vi­car­age of Ev­er­ton, where he spent the rest of his life.


Sion’s Songs con­tained 342 hymns, some of which had pre­vi­ous­ly ap­peared in the Gos­pel Ma­ga­zine un­der the sig­na­ture of Old Ev­er­ton, and oth­ers were adapt­ed from Charles Wes­ley.


An am­us­ing sto­ry is told of Ber­ridge while on a vis­it in the North of Eng­land. Stop­ping at a vil­lage where he must needs stay ov­er the Sab­bath, he re­quest­ed the pro­pri­etor of the inn to let the par­son of the par­ish know that there was a cle­rgy­man stop­ping with him who would glad­ly as­sist at the ser­vice on the mor­row.

In reply to this state­ment, the cau­tious shep­herd re­marked to the land­lord, We must be care­ful, for you know there are ma­ny of those wan­der­ing Me­tho­dist preach­ers about. What sort of man is he?

Oh, it is all right, sir, was the an­swer, just see his nose, sir, that will tell you he is no Me­tho­dist. Well ask him to call on me in the morn­ing, said the rec­tor, and I shall judge for my­self.

At the morn­ing call it is said, the wag­gish and some­what ru­bi­cund nose dis­armed pre­ju­dic­es and opened the way to the pul­pit, where he de­liv­ered a me­mo­ra­ble dis­course.

Long, p. 63

