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Maizie Blaikie

Circa 1871–?


Born: Cir­ca De­cem­ber 1871, Tru­ro, No­va Sco­tia, Ca­na­da.


Maizie was the daugh­ter of Lu­ther Blai­kie and Mi­ner­va Fletch­er, and wife of Charles Neal Bar­ney (mar­ried June 27, 1901, Mal­den, Mas­sa­chu­setts). Her hus­band Charles lat­er be­came the thirty-first may­or of Lynn, Mas­sa­chu­setts.

Maizie moved to Am­eri­ca around 1872. She may have re­turned to Ca­na­da, then gone back to the Unit­ed States in 1894.

In 1940, she and Charles were liv­ing in Green­burgh, New York.



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