

Born: May 21, 1867, near En­köp­king, Swe­den.

Died: May 24, 1927, Ud­de­val­la, Swe­den.

Buried: In an un­marked grave in Ram­ner­öds Ce­me­te­ry, Ud­de­val­la, Swe­den.



After emi­grat­ing to Am­eri­ca in the 1890’s, Blom joined the Sal­va­tion Ar­my in Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois.

Afterward, he at­tend­ed North Park Col­lege and Se­mi­na­ry, then served as a min­is­ter in the Ev­an­ge­li­cal Co­ve­nant Church. How­ev­er, he fell away from the Gos­pel, and ended up in pri­son:

I drift­ed from God, and be­came em­bit­tered with my­self and the world.

After leav­ing pri­son, Blom un­der­went a spir­it­ual re­vi­val, and wrote the He the Pear­ly Gates Will Op­en to des­cribe his re­birth.

He went on to serve as pas­tor at a Swed­ish Con­gre­ga­tion­al Church in Penn­syl­van­ia be­fore re­turn­ing to his na­tive Swe­den in 1921.

