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James Boden



Born: Ap­ril 13, 1757, Ches­ter, Eng­land, in the house long oc­cu­pied by Mat­thew Hen­ry, the min­is­ter fa­mous for his Bi­ble com­men­ta­ries.

Died: June 4, 1841, Ches­ter­field, Eng­land.


Boden stu­died for the Con­gre­ga­tion­al min­is­try at Ho­mer­ton Col­lege, Cam­bridge.

In 1784, he be­came pas­tor of the In­de­pen­dent Cha­pel in Shef­field, and in 1796, of the Queen’s Street Chapel, Shef­field, where he served 43 years.


In 1801, he as­sist­ed Dr. Will­iams of the Mas­bo­rough Theo­lo­gic­al Col­lege, near Shef­field, in com­pil­ing A Col­lection of Above Six Hun­dred Hymns De­signed as a New Sup­ple­ment to Dr. Watts’ Psalms and Hymns (Don­cas­ter, 1801). This col­lect­ion is some­times known as Will­iams and Bo­den.



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