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Harold Edwin Boulton



Born: 1859, Charl­ton (then part of Kent), Eng­land.

Died: June 1, 1935, Lon­don, Eng­land.


Boulton was the 2nd Bar­on­et CVO CBE JP. In ad­di­tion to be­ing a bar­on­et, he was phi­lan­thro­pist and a song­writ­er. He be­came in­ter­est­ed in Scot­tish folk songs as an un­der­gra­du­ate at Ox­ford.

He is per­haps best re­mem­bered as au­thor of the lyr­ics to the Skye Boat Song. It tells of the jour­ney of Prince Charles Ed­ward Stu­art (Bon­nie Prince Char­lie) from Ben­be­cu­la to the Isle of Skye as he evad­ed cap­ture af­ter his de­feat in the 1746 Bat­tle of Cull­od­en.



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