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Susan Ketcham Bourne



Susan was the wife of Rev­er­end Shear­ja­shub Bourne.

She was large­ly iden­ti­fied with church and mis­sion­ary work in the Con­gre­ga­tion­al church of Man­hat­tan, New York, and was an ac­tive and char­ter mem­ber of So­ro­sis.

She was per­haps best known to old New York­ers as the chief found­er and pre­si­dent of the Ly­dia F. Wad­leigh As­so­cia­tion. The Ly­dia F. Wad­leigh and Su­san K. Bourne Me­mor­ial Al­cove at Hun­ter Col­lege, in the Len­ox Hill neigh­bor­hood of Man­hat­tan’s Up­per East Side, bears her name.


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