


Born: Feb­ru­ary 17, 1658, Nort­heim, Low­er Sax­ony, Ger­ma­ny.

Died: March 16, 1732, Klos­ter Berge bei Mag­de­burg, Ger­ma­ny.


Joachim was the son of Chris­tian Breit­haupt, su­per­in­ten­dent of the dis­trict of Hohen­stadt or Hon­stedt, Han­ov­er

After a theo­lo­gic­al course at Helm­stadt, he be­came, in 1680, con­rec­tor of the Gym­na­si­um at Wolf­en­büt­tel, but left in 1681. Af­ter serv­ing as a Pro­fes­sor of Ho­mi­le­tics in Kiel, he was ap­point­ed, in 1685, Court preach­er and mem­ber of the Con­sis­to­ry at Mein­ing­en.

In 1687 he be­came pas­tor and pro­fes­sor of theo­lo­gy at Er­furt, re­ceiv­ing in the same year the de­gree of D.D. from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Kiel.

Driven from Kiel by the Pie­tis­tic Con­tro­ver­sy, he was ap­point­ed in 1691 pas­tor of the Ca­thed­ral Church, and dean of the Theo­lo­gic­al Fa­cul­ty, at Hal­le; and in 1705, in ad­di­tion, Ge­ne­ral Su­per­in­ten­dent of the Du­chy of Mag­de­burg.

Julian, pp. 169–70

In 1709 he be­came ab­bot of the Mag­de­burg mon­as­te­ry and the Berge mon­as­tery near Mag­de­burg.




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