

Born: De­cem­ber 1854, Linn Coun­ty, Mis­sou­ri.


Adoniram was the son of Jo­seph Bu­chan­an and Sar­ah Eli­za­beth Mc­Comb, both na­tives of King­ston, Roane Coun­ty, Ten­nes­see.

In 1867, short­ly af­ter the Am­eri­can ci­vil war, the Bu­chan­ans moved to a com­mu­ni­ty near Sher­man in Gray­son Coun­ty, Texas, pur­chas­ing se­ver­al acres of land and set­tling near the El­mont Com­mu­ni­ty, a few miles west of Van Al­styne, Tex­as.

They moved to be near Mrs. Bu­chan­an’s bro­ther, min­is­ter Tho­mas Ben­ton Mc­Comb, who had moved to the area in the 1850’s to get the Bap­tist church es­tab­lished in Tex­as.

Adoniram was in Co­lo­ra­do Ci­ty, Tex­as, in 1889, and Kan­sas City, Mis­sou­ri, in Jan­ua­ry 1931.



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