


Born: De­cem­ber 4, 1806, Ra­tis­bon (now Re­gens­burg), Germany.

Died: Feb­ru­ary 13, 1874.


Burgmüller’s father, Au­gust, and his bro­ther, Nor­bert, were al­so mu­si­cians. His fa­ther was a mu­sic­al the­ater di­rect­or in Wei­mar and oth­er south­ern Ger­man cen­ters.

Friedrich moved to Kas­sel in 1829 to stu­dy un­der Lud­wig Spohr and Mor­itz Haupt­mann. There he ap­peared as a pi­an­ist for his first con­cert, Ja­nu­ary 14, 1830.

In 1832, he moved to Pa­ris, where he stayed the rest of his life. There, he adopt­ed Pa­ri­sian mu­sic and de­vel­oped his trade­mark light play­ing style.

He wrote ma­ny piec­es of sa­lon pi­ano mu­sic, and pub­lished se­ver­al al­bums. He al­so went on to com­pose pi­ano études in­tend­ed for child­ren.



Help Needed

If you know Burg­müll­er’s place of death or bu­ri­al,