

Born: Ap­ril 23, 1862, Cad­more End, Ox­ford­shire, Eng­land.


Frederick was the son of F. Bus­sell, vi­car of Great Mar­low, Buck­ing­ham­shire.

He was edu­cat­ed at Char­ter House School, Go­dalm­ing (1876–81), and was a De­my of Mag­da­len Col­lege, Ox­ford, 1880.

Note: A De­my was a foun­da­tion schol­ar at Mag­da­len College, so called be­cause such a schol­ar orig­in­al­ly re­ceived half the al­low­ance of a fel­low. (Dic­tion­ary.com)

Craven Scho­lar, and BA, 1885 (First Class Class­ics, Lit. Hum., Theo­lo­gy); MA 1887; BD and Mus B 1892. Pri­vate mu­sic­al train­ing.

Fellow, tu­tor, chap­lain, jun­ior dean, Bra­se­nose Col­lege, Ox­ford; Se­lect Preach­er to the Uni­ver­si­ty, Oxford, 1890; and Mor­ley Lec­tur­er at St. Mar­ga­ret’s, West­min­ster.



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