

Born: Au­gust 8, 1861, Cleve­don, Som­er­set, Eng­land.

Died: Cir­ca August 1925, Hamp­stead, Eng­land.


Button’s fa­ther was mas­ter of a pri­vate school, and ex­celled as an or­gan­ist.

Elliot was a self taught mu­si­cian, and be­sides be­ing so­lo al­to at Ho­ly Tri­ni­ty Church, Up­per Chel­sea, was a pia­nist, or­gan­ist, and vio­lin­ist.

He was at one time an ed­it­or for the No­vel­lo pub­lish­ing com­pa­ny. He har­mo­nized a number of tunes in The Pri­mi­tive Me­tho­dist Hym­nal Sup­ple­ment with Tunes (Lon­don: Pri­mi­tive Me­tho­dist Pub­lish­ing House, 1912), and ed­it­ed the third ser­ies of the Bris­tol Tune Book.



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