

Born: January 18, 1804, Charles­ton, Rhode Is­land.

Died, November 25, 1855, Ca­lu­met, Wis­con­sin (drowned af­ter fall­ing through ice).


Thomas was the son of Nar­ra­gan­sett coun­cil­or Jo­seph Comm­uck.

A mem­ber of the Na­tive Am­eri­can Nar­ra­gan­sett tribe, he grew up in Charles­ton. In 1811 he be­gan at­tend­ing a school spon­sored by the So­ci­ety for Pro­pa­gat­ing the Gos­pel Among In­di­ans and Oth­ers in North Am­eri­ca.

Around age 20, he moved to Onei­da Coun­ty, New York, join­ing a com­mu­ni­ty of Mo­he­gans and Pe­quots lat­er known as the Bro­ther­town In­di­ans.

In 1831, he mar­ried Han­nah Ab­ner of the Pe­quot tribe, and the cou­ple moved to the Bro­ther­ton com­mu­ni­ty at Green Bay, Wis­con­sin.

He was the com­mu­ni­ty’s first post­mas­ter, jus­tice of the peace, and his­to­ri­an. In 1844, he was the Wis­con­sin Whig Party no­mi­nee for the ter­ri­tor­ial le­gi­sla­ture.




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