

Born: De­cem­ber 4, 1779, Can­nock, Staf­ford­shire, Eng­land.

Died: De­cem­ber 29, 1823, Shef­field, Eng­land (Ju­li­an says the Gent­le­men’s Ma­ga­zine in­cor­rect­ly pub­lished Cot­ter­ill’s death date as Jan­ua­ry 5, 1824).


After at­tend­ing the board­ing school of J. Lo­max, Cot­terill went to the Free School in Birm­ing­ham. He then stu­died at St. John’s Col­lege, Cam­bridge (BA 1801, MA 1805), of which he be­came a Fel­low.

Taking Ho­ly Or­ders, he be­came curate of Tut­bury in June 1803.

Subsequently, he served as in­cum­bent of Lane End, Staf­ford­shire (1808–17), and per­pe­tu­al cur­ate of St. Paul’s, Shef­field (1817–23).


Cotterill pub­lished his Fa­mi­ly Pray­ers in six edi­tions.

Though he wrote some orig­in­al hymns, he is bet­ter known as the com­pil­er of A Se­lect­ion of Psalms and Hymns for Pub­lic and Pri­vate Use, which had a marked effect on mo­dern hym­nals (first edi­tion 1810, ninth edi­tion 1820). Cotterill him­self con­trib­ut­ed 25 orig­in­al hymns and ver­sions of in­di­vi­du­al psalms to the Se­lect­ion.



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