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E. A. Danmont

Late 19th Century


We spe­cu­late this au­thor might be Rev­er­end E. A. Dan­mont from Ger­man­town, Ken­tuc­ky, who was list­ed as a mem­ber of the Phi Kap­pa Psi fra­ter­ni­ty, Alp­ha Chap­ter of In­di­ana, In­di­ana As­bu­ry Uni­ver­si­ty, Green­cas­tle, In­di­ana, in 1873, per the Grand Ca­ta­logue of the Phi Kap­pa Psi Fra­ter­ni­ty (Eas­ton, Penn­syl­van­ia: Hil­burn & West, Print­ers, 1880), page 178.

King in Zi­on was pub­lished in Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois, in 1878.


Help Needed

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