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Eliel Davis



Born: June 5, 1803, Folke­stone, Kent, Eng­land.

Died: March 29, 1849, St. Ives, Hunt­ing­don­shire, Eng­land.


In 1821, Da­vis be­gan work­ing as a clerk in a dry goods store in Wands­worth, Lon­don.

In Ja­nu­ary 1822, he joined the Ea­gle Street Bap­tist Church. In 1826, he was ad­mit­ted to the Bap­tist Col­lege at Step­ney, Lon­don, as a stu­dent for the min­is­try.

About this time, Dr. Belch­er be­gan pre­par­ing a month­ly ma­ga­zine in ma­nu­script called the Mu­tu­al In­struct­or for the peo­ple of his con­gre­ga­tion, who were the chief con­tri­but­ors. Da­vis oft­en wrote for it, and in 1826, con­trib­ut­ed his hymn From Ev­ery Earth­ly Plea­sure.

Entering the Bap­tist min­is­try, Davis was suc­ces­sive­ly pas­tor in New­port, Isle of Wight (1834–41); Re­gent Street, Lam­beth, Lon­don; Eye, Suf­folk (1841); and St. Ives, Hunt­ing­don­shire (1842–49).



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