

Born: March 12, 1813, Scul­coates, Kings­ton up­on Hull, York­shire, Eng­land.

Died: June 26, 1903, Wol­ver­ham­pton, West Mid­lands, Eng­land.


In 1845, Ma­ry mar­ried John Deck (young­er bro­ther of James Deck), vi­car of St. Ste­phen’s, Hull, a large work­ing class pa­rish of 13,000.

She lived near­ly all her life in Hull and kept ve­ry bu­sy, work­ing hard in Sun­day School, mo­thers’ meet­ings, a men’s night-school, and count­less oth­er things.

At age 70, she lost her sight gra­du­al­ly and be­came to­tal­ly blind, but taught her­self to read Braille, and gra­du­al­ly got the whole Bi­ble in this form.

At the time of her death, she was liv­ing with her daugh­ter and son-in-law, Amy Ca­the­rine & Oc­ta­vi­us Wal­ton, at St. Jude’s vic­ar­age.



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