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Henry Benson Disney



Born: Cir­ca Feb­ru­ary 1846, Mil­ford, Knox Coun­ty, Ohio.

Died: 1912, Ohio.

Buried: Dis­ney Ce­me­te­ry, Five Cor­ners, Ohio.


Henry was the son of Fred­er­ick Dis­ney and Har­ri­et Bar­ry, and bro­ther to Ja­cob Dis­ney.

He was edu­cat­ed in the lo­cal dis­trict school, then in August 1867, went to Bald­win Uni­ver­si­ty, Be­rea, Ohio, where he stayed one year.

In the win­ter of 1868–69 he taught his first school in the dis­trict where he once at­tend­ed. He taught school the next win­ter as well, and in the spring of 1870 re­turned to col­lege.

At the close of the year he gra­du­at­ed in the se­mi­na­ry course of the Sunday-School Nor­mal de­part­ment, be­sides keep­ing up with his class­es in oth­er stu­dies. As of 1881, he was teach­ing school in Bran­don, Ohio.



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