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Karl August Döring


Carl August Döring


Born: Jan­ua­ry 22, 1783, Markt Al­vens­le­ben (now Be­ber­tal), Ger­ma­ny.

Died: Jan­ua­ry 17, 1844, El­ber­feld, Ger­ma­ny.


Döring was the son of a for­est­er, and fa­ther of phi­lo­so­pher Au­gust Dör­ing.

He stu­died theo­lo­gy at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Halle (1802–06), then worked as a pri­vate tu­tor in Wal­den­burg, Si­le­sia (now Wał­brzych, Po­land).

In 1808 he was ap­point­ed a mas­ter in the school at Klos­ter-Berg­en, near Mag­de­burg. Af­ter its dis­so­lu­tion by Na­po­le­on in 1810, he was a pri­vate tu­tor at Helm­sdorf, near Eis­leben.

In 1814, he was ap­point­ed af­ter­noon preach­er at St. Pe­ter’s Church, Mag­de­burg; in 1815 Ar­chi­dia­co­nus of St. An­drew’s Church, Eis­le­ben; and in 1816 pastor of the Lu­ther­an church at El­ber­feld.

He wrote ov­er 1,000 hymns.



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