

Born: 1832, West In­dies.


Duncombe was or­dained at Here­ford Ca­thed­ral in 1858, and served there as vi­car cho­ral, mi­nor ca­non, and pre­ben­da­ry.

A com­pos­er, sing­er, and mu­si­cian, he re­gu­lar­ly con­trib­ut­ed to the Here­ford­shire Phil­har­mo­nic So­ci­ety, the Here­ford Or­ches­tral So­ci­ety, the Here­ford Cho­ral So­ci­ety, and the Three Choirs Fes­tiv­al.

He com­posed a num­ber of Christ­mas ca­rols, which were re­gu­lar­ly sung in both the ca­thed­ral and at the an­nu­al ca­rol con­cert at Shire Hall.


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