


Born: March 20, 1914, Boone­ville, Ar­kan­sas.

Died: June 14, 2002, Dal­las, Te­xas.

Buried: Hill­crest Ce­me­te­ry, Tem­ple, Texas.


Paul was the fa­ther of Bar­ry Epps.

He lived in Mus­ko­gee, Ok­la­ho­ma, 1923–45.

He stu­died at West Tex­as Uni­ver­si­ty, Can­yon, Tex­as, and the Hart­ford School of Mu­sic in Ar­kan­sas. He stu­died voice un­der W. W. Combs, and was as­so­ci­at­ed with L. O. San­der­son in Mu­sic Nor­mals start­ing in 1945.

He taught in mu­sic camps at Lub­bock Chris­tian Col­lege and the Firm Foun­da­tion Mu­sic Camp; at the Camp Hen­sel Mu­sic School at Tra­vis Peak, Tex­as, for ov­er 25 years, and di­rect­ed sing­ing in meet­ings with Gos­pel preach­ers such as Jim­my All­en, Mack Ly­on, George Ben­son, John Ban­nis­ter, and Will­ard Coll­ins.

In 1945, he be­gan serv­ing as a min­is­ter, edu­ca­tion­al di­rect­or and song lead­er in Waxa­ha­chie, Tex­as.

He went on to serve for ov­er 20 years at church­es in Tex­as, Ok­la­ho­ma, and Lou­isi­ana, ev­en­tu­al­ly mov­ing to Lake Charles, Lo­ui­si­ana; Tem­ple, Tex­as, about 1982; and Lew­is­ville, Tex­as, in 2001.


