19th Century


Fackler served in the 31st Geor­gia In­fan­try dur­ing the Am­eri­can ci­vil war.

By 1873, he was the pub­lish­ing agent for the Mis­sion Har­ves­ter, a month­ly pe­ri­od­ic­al in Cleve­land, Ohio.

The next year, 1874, he is seen as pas­tor of the Blake­ly Ba­ptist Church in Ear­ly Coun­ty, Geor­gia. In 1877, he was pas­tor of the Cuth­bert Bap­tist Church in Ran­dolph Coun­ty, Geor­gia. By 1878, he was serv­ing a Bap­tist church in Lump­kin, Geor­gia.


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