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Woodbury Melcher Fernald



Born: March 21, 1813, Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

Died: December 10, 1873, Boston, Massachusetts.


Melcher be­came a Uni­ver­sal­ist min­is­ter in 1835, and be­gan his min­is­try in Na­shua, New Hamp­shire. He was or­dained the fol­low­ing year, and in 1838 moved to Ca­bot­ville (now Chi­co­pee), Mas­sa­chu­setts.

In 1840 and 1841 he was in New­bu­ry­port; then three years in Stone­ham; in 1845 moved to Bo­ston.

He lat­er joined the Swe­den­bor­gi­an Church of the New Je­ru­sa­lem in Bo­ston, and was or­dained in that de­nom­in­ation.


A vol­ume of ser­mons, found marked for pub­li­ca­tion at his death, was is­sued un­der the ti­tle, The True Chris­tian Life, and How to At­tain It (1874).



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