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Thomas Augustine Geary



Born: 1775, prob­ab­ly in Ire­land. Birth name: Ti­mo­thy Gea­ry. It is as­sumed he called him­self Tho­mas Au­gus­tine out of ad­mi­ra­tion for com­pos­er Tho­mas Au­gus­tine Arne.

Death: Ac­cord­ing to an 1818 source, la­bour­ing un­der some de­press­ion of mind he rushed out of the house, and was found drowned in the ca­nal.


Geary was a choir boy and chor­al schol­ar at St. Pat­rick’s Ca­thed­ral in Dub­lin, where he oc­casion­al­ly helped the ca­thed­ral or­gan­ist, Phi­lip Cogan.

In 792, he per­formed a con­cer­to by Dus­sek at a char­ity con­cert at the Ro­tun­da, Dub­lin, at which one of his can­zo­nets, Soft is the Ze­phyr’s Breezy Wing, was al­so per­formed.



Help Needed

If you know Gea­ry’s date or place of death, or bu­ri­al place, would you send us an e-mail?