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Thunduparambil Daniel George


T. D. George


Born: 1865, Tri­chur (now Thris­sur), Ke­ra­la, In­dia.

Died: March 8, 1945, Tri­chur, Ke­ra­la, In­dia.

Buried: Prob­ab­ly at the All Saints Church, Church of South In­dia, Tri­chur, Ke­ra­la, In­dia.


George was the fifth son of a well known ev­an­gel­ist named Da­ni­el.

He was edu­cat­ed at the Church Mis­sion­ary So­ci­ety (CMS) Col­lege, Kot­tay­am, Ke­ra­la, and Ma­dras Chris­tian Col­lege.

Though an Eng­lish lang­uage schol­ar, he de­clined op­por­tu­ni­ties for ma­ny re­spect­ed po­si­tions, in­stead be­com­ing head­mas­ter of the Tri­chur CMS school.

He is best re­mem­bered as a hymn writ­er, and his lyr­ics are still re­gu­lar­ly used in church­es and homes.

After re­tir­ing, George was deep­ly in­volved as a Sun­day School teach­er, Bi­ble stu­dy lead­er, and chor­al con­duct­or.


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