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Samuel Glady



Born: 1806, Ve­vey, Can­ton Vaud, Switz­erland.


Son of mu­si­cian Da­vis Gla­dy, Sam­uel was a re­nowned pi­an­ist and ex­cel­lent vio­lin­ist in his own right, and was en­dowed with a strong, plea­sant voice.

He com­posed the music for an 1833 fes­ti­val de­di­cat­ed to the wine pro­duc­ers of Ve­vey, Swit­zer­land. He sang the role of grand high priest while his fa­ther di­rect­ed the or­ches­tra and choir.

Later, af­ter be­ing con­vert­ed, he en­tered the meet­ing and burned the re­main­ing ma­nu­script, feel­ing hu­mi­li­at­ed that he had writ­ten mu­sic for a pa­gan fes­ti­val.


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