Graeff’s CarÂol, CarÂol, ChildÂren!, and her seÂcuÂlar Spring Song, were pubÂlished in SpringÂfield, MasÂsaÂchuÂsetts, in 1911.
We speÂcuÂlate she may have been Miss VirÂginÂia E. Graeff, who was the first suÂperÂvisÂor of pubÂlic school kinÂderÂgarÂtens in ClevÂeland, Ohio unÂtil 1903, acÂcordÂing to HisÂtoÂry of the KinÂderÂgarten MoveÂment in the Mid-WestÂern States and in New York, page 12. This book was preÂsentÂed at the CinÂcinÂnaÂti ConÂvenÂtion, AsÂsoÂciaÂtion for ChildÂhood EduÂcaÂtion, ApÂril 19–23, 1938.
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