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Virginia E. Graeff

Early 20th Century


Graeff’s Car­ol, Car­ol, Child­ren!, and her se­cu­lar Spring Song, were pub­lished in Spring­field, Mas­sa­chu­setts, in 1911.

We spe­cu­late she may have been Miss Vir­gin­ia E. Graeff, who was the first su­per­vis­or of pub­lic school kin­der­gar­tens in Clev­eland, Ohio un­til 1903, ac­cord­ing to His­to­ry of the Kin­der­garten Move­ment in the Mid-West­ern States and in New York, page 12. This book was pre­sent­ed at the Cin­cin­na­ti Con­ven­tion, As­so­cia­tion for Child­hood Edu­ca­tion, Ap­ril 19–23, 1938.


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