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Johann Graumann



Born: Ju­ly 5, 1487, Neu­stadt an der Aisch, Fran­co­nia.

Died: Ap­ril 29, 1541, Kö­nigs­berg, Prus­sia (now Ka­lin­in­grad, Rus­sia).



Graumann stu­died at Leip­zig (MA 1516, BD 1520), and in 1520 was ap­point­ed rec­tor of the St. Tho­mas School in Leip­zig.

He at­tend­ed the Dis­pu­ta­tion in 1519 be­tween Dr. Eck, Lu­ther, and Carl­stadt, as the ama­nu­en­sis of Eck. The ul­ti­mate re­sult was that he sup­port­ed the Re­for­ma­tion, and left Leip­zig in 1522.

In 1523, he be­came Ev­an­gel­ic­al preach­er at Würz­burg, but left at the out­break of the Pea­sants’ War in 1525.

He went to Nur­em­berg, where, around Lent, he was ap­point­ed preach­er to the nun­ne­ry of St. Cla­ra.

Then, at the re­com­men­da­tion of Lu­ther, he re­ceived from the Mar­grave Al­brecht of Bran­den­burg, an in­vi­ta­tion to help fur­ther the Re­for­ma­tion in Prus­sia.

He be­gan his work as pas­tor of the Alt­stadt Church in Kö­nigs­berg in Oc­to­ber 1525. There he was well known for his work in or­gan­iz­ing the ev­an­ge­li­cal schools in the pro­vince.



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