

National Portrait Gallery

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Born: Sep­tem­ber 29, 1727, Kel­ston, So­mer­set, Eng­land.

Died: Jan­ua­ry 15, 1816, Bath, So­mer­set, Eng­land.

Buried: Kelston, So­mer­set, Eng­land.


Harington was the son of Henry Harington and Mary Blackwell.

He en­tered Queen’s Col­lege, Oxford, 1745, and ma­tri­cu­lated at the Uni­ver­si­ty the fol­low­ing day (BA 1749, MA 1752, Ba­che­lor and Doc­tor of Me­di­cine, 1762).

He es­tab­lished him­self as a phy­si­cian in Wells in 1763, moved to Bath in 1771, and was elect­ed may­or of Bath in 1793.

He found­ed the Har­mo­nic So­ci­ety in Bath, and spent his lei­sure time com­pos­ing glees, catch­es, and songs.

A tab­let was erect­ed to his me­mo­ry in Bath Ab­bey, on which is a cu­ri­ous ma­the­ma­ti­cal fi­gure high­ly sug­gest­ive of a pro­po­si­tion in Eu­clid, but which is real­ly a de­sign show­ing the ra­tios of the vi­bra­tion num­bers in the va­ri­ous in­ter­vals of the ma­jor scale.

Lightwood, p. 358

