

Born: De­cem­ber 23, 1812, near Be­than­ia, North Ca­ro­li­na.

Died: Sep­tem­ber 15, 1880, Wad­ley, Geor­gia. His last re­port­ed words:

I feel that my work on earth is done, and there is not a cloud be­tween me and God.

Buried: Be­tha­ny Ce­me­te­ry, Wad­ley, Geor­gia.



William was the son of Mar­tin Haus­er and Le­ah Bil­li­ter. His fa­ther died when he was two years old.

He joined the Me­tho­dist church around age 13. He ob­tained a preach­ing li­cense in 1834, and was a cir­cuit rid­er for two years.

He mar­ried in 1837, moved to Vir­gin­ia in 1839, and in 1841 to Geor­gia, where he sup­port­ed his fa­mi­ly as a teach­er while stu­dy­ing me­di­cine.

He be­gan his me­di­cal prac­tice in 1843, for a while helped ed­it the Blis­ter and Cri­tic and the Ogle­thorpe Me­di­cal Jour­nal.

He al­so taught phys­io­lo­gy and pa­tho­lo­gy at Ogle­thorpe Me­di­cal Col­lege.


