


Born: De­cem­ber 3, 1804, in the vi­car­age of Charles Church, Ply­mouth, Eng­land.

Died: Au­gust 15, 1875. He had joined the Ro­man Ca­tho­lic church the pre­vi­ous ev­en­ing. Ju­li­an re­ports the death as Au­gust 15, 1873, Mor­wen­stow, Corn­wall. Hay­den & New­ton give it as March 25, 1875, Ply­mouth, Eng­land.

Buried: Ford Park Ce­me­te­ry, Ply­mouth, Eng­land.

Charles Church
Plymouth, England


Robert was the son of Ja­cob Ste­phen Hawk­er.

He was edu­cat­ed at Lis­keard Gram­mar School, Corn­wall; Chel­te­nham Gram­mar School; and Pem­broke Col­lege, Ox­ford (BA 1827, MA 1836). He won the 1827 New­di­gate Prize for po­et­ry.

Hawker took Ho­ly Or­ders in 1829 and be­came cur­ate at Well­combe, De­von, and in 1834 vi­car of Mor­wen­stow, Corn­wall.

He pub­lished sev­er­al po­et­ic­al works, inc­luding Ec­cle­sia (1840), in which some of his hymns ap­peared. Some were al­so pub­lished in Ly­ra Mes­si­ani­ca (1864). He al­so wrote The Song of the Wes­tern Men, pub­lished ano­ny­mous­ly in 1825.


Are They Not All Ministering Spirits?

We see them not—we can­not hear
The music of their wing—
Yet know we that they sojourn near,
The angels of the spring!

The glide along this lovely ground,
When the first violet grows:
Their graceful hands have just unbound
The zone of yonder rose!

I gather it for thy dear breast
From stain and shadow free,
That which an angel’s touch hath blest
Is meet, my love, for thee!

Robert Stephen Hawker
Ecclesia, 1840

