


Born: De­cem­ber 3, 1804, in the vi­car­age of Charles Church, Ply­mouth, Eng­land.

Died: Au­gust 15, 1875. He had joined the Ro­man Ca­tho­lic church the pre­vi­ous ev­en­ing. Ju­li­an re­ports the death as Au­gust 15, 1873, Mor­wen­stow, Corn­wall. Hay­den & New­ton give it as March 25, 1875, Ply­mouth, Eng­land.

Buried: Ford Park Ce­me­te­ry, Ply­mouth, Eng­land.

Charles Church
Plymouth, England


Robert was the son of Ja­cob Ste­phen Hawk­er.

He was edu­cat­ed at Lis­keard Gram­mar School, Corn­wall; Chel­te­nham Gram­mar School; and Pem­broke Col­lege, Ox­ford (BA 1827, MA 1836). He won the 1827 New­di­gate Prize for po­et­ry.

Hawker took Ho­ly Or­ders in 1829 and be­came cur­ate at Well­combe, De­von, and in 1834 vi­car of Mor­wen­stow, Corn­wall.

He pub­lished sev­er­al po­et­ic­al works, inc­luding Ec­cle­sia (1840), in which some of his hymns ap­peared. Some were al­so pub­lished in Ly­ra Mes­si­ani­ca (1864). He al­so wrote The Song of the Wes­tern Men, pub­lished ano­ny­mous­ly in 1825.


Are They Not All Ministering Spirits?

We see them not—we cannot hear
The music of their wing—
Yet know we that they sojourn near,
The angels of the spring!

The glide along this lovely ground,
When the first violet grows:
Their graceful hands have just unbound
The zone of yonder rose!

I gather it for thy dear breast
From stain and shadow free,
That which an angel’s touch hath blest
Is meet, my love, for thee!

Robert Stephen Hawker
Ecclesia, 1840

