Early 20th Century


This au­thor is prob­ab­ly Fi­del­ity Al­ex­an­der “Dell” Hen­ry (1876–1952), who is bur­ied in Hen­ry’s Cross­roads Me­tho­dist Ce­me­te­ry, Ko­dak, Ten­nes­see: The pub­lished score for Keep on Pray­ing Ground in­di­cated the au­thor, F. A. Henry, was liv­ing in Ko­dak, Ten­nes­see, in 1914.

In ad­di­tion, a his­to­ry of the near­by Oak Grove M­etho­dist Epis­co­pal Church not­ed that Dell Hen­ry con­duct­ed sing­ing schools.


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