

Born: December 2, 1867.

Died: November 26, 1955.


William was prob­ab­ly re­lat­ed to Lu­el­la Hen­ry (spouse?) his co-au­thor for Love Each Oth­er.

Originally from Ohio, Will­iam was an ear­ly lead­er in the Ho­li­ness Move­ment near Boy­er­town, Penn­syl­van­ia.

In 1889, he an­swered a call to hold re­vi­val meet­ings in east­ern Penn­syl­van­ia. De­no­mi­na­tion­al lead­ers had re­ceived re­quests from con­gre­ga­tions there, but had no one to send. Though Hen­ry was on­ly 22 years old, he proved a very ef­fect­ive or­gan­iz­er.

He toured east­ern Penn­syl­va­nia and New Jer­sey for sev­er­al months each year till 1895. He be­came a ve­ry ac­tive ev­an­gel­ist and song writ­er, hold­ing meet­ings in ev­ery Am­eri­can state and in Bri­tain.

A small con­gre­ga­tion in Liv­er­pool was start­ed through his work, and he lat­er found­ed a con­gre­ga­tion in Spring­field, Mis­sou­ri, where he served as pas­tor for 13 years.




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