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Valerius Herberger




Born: Ap­ril 21, 1562, Frau­stadt, Po­sen, Prus­sia (now Wscho­wa, Po­land).

Died: May 18, 1627, Frau­stadt, Po­sen, Prus­sia.

Buried: Cmentarz Ewan­gel­ic­ki Wscho­wa, Wscho­wa, Pol­and.


Valerius was the son of Mar­tin Her­ber­ger, fur­ri­er and po­et at Frau­stadt.

He stu­died theo­lo­gy at the Un­iver­si­ties of Frank­furt an der Oder and Leip­zig.

In 1584, he be­came mas­ter of the low­er class­es in the school at Frau­stadt; in 1590, dia­co­nus of St. Ma­ry’s Church in Frau­stadt; and in 1599 chief pas­tor.

In 1604, he and his flock were oust­ed from the church by King Sig­is­mund III of Po­land, for the sake of the few Ro­man Ca­tho­lics there. Out of two hous­es near one of the town gates, they made a meet­ing place which was named Krip­plein Chris­ti, as the first ser­vice was held on a Christ­mas Eve.


