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Rosamond Eleanor Herklots



Born: June 22, 1905, Mus­soo­rie, Ut­ta­ra­khand, In­dia, to Brit­ish mis­sion­ary par­ents.

Died: Ju­ly 21, 1987, Brom­ley, Kent, Eng­land.


Rosamond was edu­cat­ed at the Leeds Girls’ High School and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Leeds, Eng­land.

She worked for ov­er two de­cades as sec­re­ta­ry for a neu­ro­lo­gist, and then at the As­so­cia­tion for Spi­na Bi­fi­da and Hy­dro­ce­pha­lus in Lon­don.


Herklots be­gan writ­ing po­et­ry as a child, but did not turn to hymn writ­ing un­til around 1940. In 1968, two of her hymns made it to the fi­nals of the Hymns for Bri­tain con­test and were sung on te­le­vi­sion.

She wrote a to­tal of about 70 hymns.



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