


Born: Jan­ua­ry 18, 1866, near Green­mount (pos­si­bly Linn­ville Creek), Rock­ing­ham Coun­ty, Vir­gin­ia.

Died: March 23, 1931, High Point, North Ca­ro­li­na.

Buried: Wea­vers Men­non­ite Church Ce­me­te­ry, Har­ris­on­burg, Vir­gin­ia.



Hildebrand was the hus­band of Zo­na T. Wise (mar­ried 1902). His par­ents and oth­er mem­bers of his fa­mi­ly were Men­non­ites, but his mem­ber­ship was with the Unit­ed Breth­ren Church.

He at­tend­ed the pub­lic schools and She­nan­do­ah Sem­in­ary. His mo­ther taught him to sing as soon as he could talk, but his first re­gu­lar teach­er was D. M. Click.

He lat­er stu­died with James Rue­bush, Ben­ja­min Un­seld, P. J. Merges, George and Fred­er­ick Root, C. B. Shaw, F. H. Tubbs and oth­ers.

He be­gan teach­ing sing­ing schools in the sum­mer while pur­su­ing his col­lege stu­dies. He was elect­ed prin­ci­pal of the Day­ton Mu­sic School in 1894, re­sign­ing in 1899 to be­come Di­rect­or of Mu­sic at Bridge­wa­ter Col­lege, Vir­gin­ia.

He was liv­ing in Ba­sic City, Vir­gin­ia, in 1920, and in Ash­by, Vir­gin­ia, in 1930.

He owned the Hil­de­brand-Bur­nette mu­sic pub­lish­ing firm in Waynes­bo­ro, Vir­gin­ia, and helped ed­it sev­er­al mu­sic books.



