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Marie M. Hine

20th Century


Hine’s Thinking of Me was pub­lished in Nash­ville, Ten­nes­see in 1926.

She is prob­ab­ly Ma­rie M. Hine (1878–1969), bur­ied in Me­mor­ial Park Ce­me­te­ry, Tul­sa, Ok­la­ho­ma.

The WPA Guide to Ok­la­ho­ma: The Soon­er State, by the Fe­der­al Writ­ers’ Pro­ject (Tri­ni­ty Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 2013), page 113, says Ma­rie M. Hine, of Tul­sa…is the com­pos­er of 200 pub­lished an­thems and six can­ta­tas, among them The Re­demp­tion.

Trinity Epis­co­pal Church, Tul­sa, by John Bart­lett Me­serve, in the Chro­ni­cles of Ok­la­ho­ma, Vol­ume 17, No. 3, Sep­tem­ber 1939, page 273, says, Mrs. Ma­rie M. Hine, the pre­sent or­gan­ist and choir di­rect­ress, has served since May 2, 1920.



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