

Born: March 24, 1791, Ox­ford, Eng­land. Note: As of May 2020, Wi­ki­pe­dia in­cor­rect­ly gave his birth­date as March 23. Both Ju­lian and John Hinton’s bio­gra­phy of his fa­ther, page 51, agree that the date is March 24.

Died: De­cem­ber 11 (Wi­ki­pe­dia) or 17 (Ju­li­an), 1873, Bris­tol, Eng­land.


John was the son of Ox­ford pas­tor James Hin­ton and Ann Tay­lor, fa­ther of sur­geon James Hint­on and grand­fa­ther of ma­the­ma­ti­cian and sci­ence fict­ion au­thor Charles How­ard Hin­ton.

A gra­du­ate of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ed­in­burgh, John be­gan his min­is­try at Ha­ver­ford­west, Pem­broke­shire, Wales, in 1816.

In 1820, he moved to Read­ing, Berk­shire, and in 1837, to Lon­don, where for ma­ny years he was pas­tor of the Ba­ptist Church in Dev­on­shire Square, Bi­shops­gate.

Hinton re­turned to Read­ing in his lat­er years, but spent his clos­ing days at Bris­tol.




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