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David A. Hoekema



Born: June 10, 1950, Pa­ter­son, New Jer­sey.



Hoekema lived in Grand Ra­pids, Mi­chi­gan from age 3, and at­tend­ed Bax­ter Chris­tian School (grades 1–7), Oak­dale Chris­tian School (grades 8–9), and Grand Ra­pids Cen­tral Chris­tian High School.

He went on to at­tend Cal­vin Col­lege, Grand Ra­pids, Mi­chi­gan (BA, Philosophy, 1972), and Prince­ton Uni­ver­si­ty (PhD 1981).

As of 2011, he was a Pro­fess­or of Phi­lo­so­phy at Cal­vin Col­lege. At va­ri­ous times, he was a mem­ber of Mu­sica Alta (Prince­ton Uni­ver­si­ty ear­ly mu­sic en­sem­ble), North­field String Band, Cal­vin Alum­ni Choir, and the Grand Rapids Sym­phon­ic Choir. As of 2011, he was a mem­ber of the Adult Choir at the Se­cond Chris­tian Re­formed Church, Grand Ha­ven, Mi­chi­gan.

He is the com­pos­er or au­thor of five hymn texts and four hymn tunes, two of them pub­lished.

