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John Saul Howson



Born: May 5, 1816, Gig­gle­swick School, Gig­gles­wick, Eng­land.

Died: De­cem­ber 15, 1885, Bourne­mouth, Eng­land.

Buried: In the Clois­ter Garth, Ches­ter, Eng­land.



John Saul was the son of John How­son, Se­cond Mas­ter of Gig­gles­wick Gram­mar School.

He en­tered Tri­ni­ty Col­lege, Cam­bridge, in 1833. He lat­er worked as pri­vate tu­tor to the Mar­quess of Sli­go and the Mar­quess of Lorne.

He was a Sen­ior Clas­si­cal Mas­ter at the Li­verpool Col­le­gi­ate Ins­ti­tu­tion in 1845, and served as Prin­ci­pal there, 1849–65.

He was or­dained a dea­con at Ches­ter in 1845, and priest in 1846. He was vi­car of Wis­bech, Cam­bridge­shire (1866–67), and dean of Ches­ter (1867–85).

While he was dean, How­son ov­er­saw the res­to­ra­tion of Ches­ter Ca­thed­ral, en­dowed the King’s School, Ches­ter, and con­tri­but­ed to the build­ing of the new mu­se­um.

