

Born: Ju­ly 10, 1830, Ba­sing­stoke, Hamp­shire, Eng­land.

Died: Au­gust 19, 1888, Scar­bo­rough, York­shire, Eng­land, of pe­ri­to­ni­tis.

Buried: Pos­si­bly in Scar­bo­rough, where his fun­er­al was held.



William was the son of Rev­er­end Will­iam Ap­ple­by Hurn­dall and Mar­tha Mur­phy, and hus­band of Emi­ly At­kin­son (mar­ried 1858, Hud­ders­field).

He at­tend­ed Bonn Uni­ver­si­ty; Fried­rich Wil­helms Uni­ver­si­ty (now Hum­boldt Uni­ver­si­ty), Ber­lin; Glas­gow Uni­ver­si­ty; and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hei­del­berg. He held both MA and DD de­grees. He won a schol­ar­ship in class­ics to Uni­ver­si­ty Col­lege in 1850, and won a gold me­dal there in 1855.

He served as pas­tor at An­gel Street in Wor­ces­ter (1857–60); head­mas­ter at Mill Hill School, Hen­don (1860–63); head­mas­ter and chap­lain at Mill Hill (1861); pas­tor at Ce­dars Con­gre­ga­tion­al Cha­pel and prin­ci­pal at Ce­dars Con­gre­ga­tion­al College, a pri­vate school at Mill End, Rick­mans­worth, Hert­ford­shire (1863–83); school­mas­ter in Rick­mans­worth (1875); and min­is­ter at Lit­tle­hamp­ton, Sus­sex (1884–88).

Hurndall re­tired at Scar­bo­rough on­ly a few days be­fore his death.



Help Needed

If you know Hurn­dall’s bu­ri­al place,