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Abigail Bradley Hyde


Abby Hyde, Ann Hyde


Born: Sep­tem­ber 28, 1799, Stock­bridge, Mas­sa­chu­setts.

Died: Ap­ril 7, 1872, An­do­ver, Mas­sa­chu­setts.

Buried: Ell­ing­ton Cen­ter Ce­me­te­ry, Ell­ing­ton, Con­nec­ti­cut.


Abigail was the daugh­ter of Asa­hel Ives Brad­ley and Abi­gail Ro­gers, and wife of min­is­ter La­vi­us Hyde of Sal­is­bury, Mas­sa­chu­setts (mar­ried Sep­tem­ber 28, 1818).

In 1813 and 1814, she at­tend­ed the Litch­field Fe­male Aca­de­my, Litch­field, Con­nec­ti­cut.


Her first po­em, Ad­dress to Mr. Wolfe, the Jew­ish mis­sion­ary, ap­peared in a New Ha­ven, Con­nec­ti­cut, news­pa­per around 1822.

Her hymns were pub­lished in Hymns & Sacr­ed Songs for the Month­ly Con­cert, by Le­on­ard Ba­con (An­do­ver, Mas­sa­chu­setts: 1823); Vill­age Hymns, by Asa­hel Nett­let­on, 1824; and Eli­as Na­son’s Con­gre­ga­tion­al Hymn Book, 1857.



Help Needed

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Hyde (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?